Safari Notes: Mweya National Park

I recall, as a young boy, when I first visited Mweya National Park with an uncle in late 1978 during Idi Amin's  rule, just when Amin was about to be ousted. The Park, was pristine but I was told that most of the animals had disappeared or had moved - due to poaching and the ongoing war to oust Amin. There was a war raging on around the Park. For the first time, there were whispers that Idi Amin's forces were loosing. That his forces were retreating  All the way, by road, on our way from Kampala to the then Zaire border and back to Kampala, we could see military trucks and personnel moving.

Few road trips are as wonderful to have as that from Kampala to Uganda's western parts - to Fort Portal or to Kasese to the Congo border or to Kabale to the Rwandan border. The lush greenery all along the road, the winding roads up hills with rolling, green forests and dotted blue lakes below, is spectacle for the eyes and the mind very few places on Earth can offer.

Aside from the very well known and frequently visited Queen Elizabeth National Park, South Western Uganda has some of the most breathtaking and most unforgettable wildlife reserves: Ruwenzori National Park, Kibale National Park and Game Reserve, Katonga Game Reserve, Kigezi Game Reserve, Lake Mburo National Park and Bwindi National Park - all these within  short distances of each other. Mweya is within Queen Elizabeth National Park and Mweya is the most visited part of the park. Not far from Mweya, are Lakes Edward and George.

In Mweya and the whole of Queen Elizabeth National Park, you will certainly see elephants, hippos, mongooses, a variety of birds, Ugandan kobs and the astounding flora and fauna that covers the area; and if you are lucky, you will be able to see lions, chimpanzees and leopards. The most striking thing at Mweya, is the Katwe Bay of Lake Edward. The view of the bay is most unforgettable.

+ Mweya Safari Lodge

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