
Showing posts with the label Children


#Muguka and #Miraa are known to be detrimental and destructive to families, health and wellbeing. In #Kenya most of those who consume the two are #Muslims; and look at what it has done to them - it has kept them low economically and educationally. Children from families who chew the two drugs, very rarely go far in education. It's Muslims who are mainly to be found in poor places like: Kalolenis, Majengos, Bondenis etc. If it wasn't for many Muslims working in Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries (where many were being paid well) and if it wasn't for millions of #Somalis migrating and living in Western countries (sending remittances), Muslims would have been even much poorer.  Then look too, at countries that have many people chewing muguka/miraa - they are some of the poorest and most fragmented - #Somalia, #Yemen and #Djibouti. The millions of Muslims in #Ethiopia are poor and uneducated mainly due to their families being dominated by #qat.  How can the laws or constitu...

Jaja: the Unsung Hero from Katanga, Uganda

Bena Nakijoba, fondly and respectfully called Jaja ba all - is seventy two years old. Very few life stories are as touching, as moving and as dramatic as Jaja's. She went to school up to the 6th grade; she got married at age fifteen; she was barren, could not conceive and so her husband broke-up with her; she then got a job looking after children of expatriates; and after three years looking after the children, she left and moved to Katanga, Kampala in 1971. In 1971, Katanga was small and had very few people; but through the years it has grown up too fast, become over-populated and is one of the worst slums in East Africa. For the last forty or so years, Jaja has been opening her doors in Katanga and her heart to abandoned children and caring for them. At first, it was those of working parents who would live their children with her, for a little pay, while they worked. Then, in the early 1980s - with war raging around Uganda, people, mainly young girls who mistakenly got pregnant,...

How Chlidren fare in Africa

Mauritius again leads! In a 'child friendly index', done by an independent advocacy agency, assessing the treatment of children in African countries , the island nation came top. In East Africa, only Kenya comes at the top. From the BBC : Amongst the top 10 were Namibia and Malawi, which did far better than richer countries like Sudan and Angola. Mauritius was top and Guinea-Bissau bottom in ratings based on factors such as spending on health and education. "Governments that have come out well have put in place laws to protect children from abuse and exploitation, and they've targeted resources at children through better health and education." "Countries that invest in children will have a more productive work-force and the foundation of a more peaceful and democratic country." Congratulations to Mauritius and their leaders! Can the other African countries do the needed and the same. In the long run, taking care of children, takes care of Africa. Map: B...

Eliminating Child Labor

Traditionally, Africans have always been most kind and caring to children. But as with most things in Africa, traditions have been corrupted and replaced with selfish greed and consumerism. It is now very common, all across Africa - to see or find children being used as labor; from construction to mines - more and more children are being used and exploited. Often in hazardous and unhealthy conditions; and often underpaid and many times - abused. Worse, many are being used as sex slaves . Can child labor be eliminated? Only by eliminating its main cause: poverty. And poverty can only be eliminated by leaders; caring and concerned leaders. Billions are wasted in wars. Billions too, are stolen from public coffers by unscrupulous 'leaders'. If only World leaders can spend as much time on issues related to children as they do spend on those related to wars and the destruction of others - our world would be a much better place to live in. As for the last G8 summit - I have to concur ...


Some times, it is a mistake watching the news! A few days ago, I was watching CNN; Jeff Koinange appeared with this very disturbing and harrowing report on the DRC (Congo)! I was so shaken and disturbed, that I haven't been my normal self ever since! The most disturbing part, was that about Olivier! Fifteen-year-old Olivier was sitting down to dinner with his family when the front door of their house was smashed in. Olivier's father was the first to be killed followed by his mother, right in front of the children. They then raped Olivier's three sisters, and when he tried to fight them they turned on him. One at a time, more than a dozen in all, he said. "I will never forget what happened to me," he said. "How does one forget something like this? Only revenge can make me forget what happened to me." I can not comprehend how any sane person can do this! I can not think of any other animal, however destructive it is, doing any thing close to this! Or Hadit...

Safari Notes: Of Children

I have always found that, the most demanding, most absorbing and enjoyable beings to be with and deal with are, Children and animals. I have always been happiest and most peaceful with the two. I have three daughters from my first marriage and two sons from my present one. Through the years, my Children have gradually but surely become my closest friends and confidants. It has taken lots of patience and all the wisdom I have, to build this. Being a teacher, and having taught prior to marrying - helped a lot in my understanding Children. All Children are basically alike, no matter where they are from and from what background. All Children need lots of love, care and most of all - attention. Many people give their Children love and care, but many too, do not pay attention to them. Paying attention means a lot of things: I believe it is - listening to them more and telling them less, from morning till evening; sharing with them their kind of interests and not imposing on them your own; an...