'Kinyarwanda': another Perspective on the Rwandan Genocide

Remember the movie 'Hotel Rwanda'? Which told the very painful, gruesome story of how some Rwandans went through the genocide? Now there is another motion picture which, too, tells a story based on events during the Rwandan genocide. With a different perspective. It is a powerful, touching, very painful and eye-opening, award winning movie, Kinyarwanda: Forgiveness is Freedom - about those horrific one-hundred-or-so days of the Rwandan genocide - which resulted in almost one million people being mercilessly hunted and butchered; and the very peaceful, caring role Muslims played during that period:
At the time of the 1994 Rwandan genocide, the Mufti of Rwanda, the most respected Muslim leader in the country, issued a fatwa forbidding Muslims from participating in the killing of the Tutsi. As the country became a slaughterhouse, mosques became places of refuge where Muslims and Christians, Hutus and Tutsis came together to protect each other. KINYARWANDA is based on true accounts from survivors who took refuge at the Grand Mosque of Kigali and the madrassa of Nyanza. It recounts how the Imams opened the doors of the mosques to give refuge to the Tutsi and those Hutu who refused to participate in the killing.
Many of us who know of Rwanda, many times associate it with the dreadful genocide of 1994. But, Rwanda is now so improved and so transformed that one recent newsman, visiting the country couldn't help saying: Rwanda is the cleanest country I've ever seen. In the last sixteen years, since the genocide - Rwanda has dramatically very much changed. Thanks to its gifted leaders and its very resilient people. Not only are mountain gorillas being very well protected and their numbers steadily increasing through the years. Not only is Kigali, its very scenic capital city, the cleanest, safest and most orderly urban center in the region - but, the whole country is being cleaned up. Rwanda, today, is also the least corrupt and the fastest growing country in Eastern Africa.

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