The Hoodia Plant

Leafless, spiny and succulent. Found deep in the Kalahari desert in southern Africa, where it thrives in the extreme heat. It is the hoodia plant. A plant that very few know of but is becoming very popular especially with obese people. Of the 20 or so species of the plant, one contains a natural appetite suppressant. Extracts from it, can also be used to maintain a high energy level. The Bushmen of the Kalahari who use it to quench thirst in the very hot desert, call it xhoba. Hoodia is said to also be a cure for severe abdominal cramps, haemorrhoids, tuberculosis, indigestion, hypertension and diabetes.
More on the Hoodia plant: BBC, Wikipedia,, CBS News, Medicinenet, Thyroid-info, Cellhealthmakeover,, hoodia-advice, naturaingredients, health.propeller, MigFa, Doctor Weil, Books, Scholar
Image: Google

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