
Whenever travelers say that they are going to Curitiba, people always advise them to take warm clothes. This is one of the features that you can be sure about in the city, for low temperatures have already become part of the lives of the curitibanos (residents of Curitiba).

However, this is not the only piece of advice that may be given to the traveler bound for Curitiba. He could be told that, along with the warm clothes, he should arrive in Curitiba with his eyes wide open to see the sights of an urban scenario where its dwellers, its environment and its urban area coexist in a harmonious, organized form.

Due to this harmonious co-existence, the functioning of the city itself has become a tourist attraction. Aligning this factor to the fact that the city has an infrastructure implemented specifically for receiving tourists, Curitiba is a city that is ready to welcome tourists and can truly say: make yourselves at home.>>>> Read more from the : Official Site

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