Uganda: Malaria Spoils Its Awesome Beauty

A few days ago, my wife returned from a two months family visit to Uganda. With malaria. She had a wonderful time with the family there, until the last week of her stay when malaria attacked. She was taking anti malaria tablets through out her stay, but still - she was not spared. She spent two days in hospital and could have lost her life; thanks to the family back there, who took very good care of her. She is still taking treatment for malaria but is almost fully recovered.

I knew, in Uganda, malaria was dangerous, but I didn't know it was this dangerous. She says that, during her stay there - she knew of people dying or being very ill with malaria. The way she described and narrated about the ravages of malaria in Uganda, I now know that the greatest danger for any one visiting or traveling to Uganda is: malaria.

Otherwise, Uganda is a country that is unparalleled in beauty and has the friendliest of people. Be it the flat green Northern regions, with rivers and streams at every short distance; be it the spectacular green slopes around Mount Elgon; or be it the rolling hills of greenery and forests that cover most of Western Uganda, with 'dots' of lakes within, and 'commas' of steams and waterfalls - Uganda is just breathtaking. And there is the abundant wildlife: birds, butterflies, rare animals (some endangered, like the gorillas and rhinos) and an array of flowers.

Most attractive of all, is Uganda's people. So humble and at the same time full of pride; most are poor and yet so generous and friendly; and patient and forgiving. Had Ugandans not been that patient and forgiving, Uganda could never have settled down the way it has now. All that Uganda needs, is peace. Peace and security in all its regions. In particular - the North. Ugandan 'leaders' and politicians have let down there fellow citizens. Uganda's main enemy is not other Ugandans, but: poverty and diseases - one of which is malaria.

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