Radom National Park Sudan

Radom National Park - Google Maps Radom National Park (RNP) is in Southern Darfur, Sudan; extending a little bit into the Central African Republic. After Dinder National Park (DNP), Radom ( Al Radom. In Arabic: محمية الردوم ) - which covers an area of 11,344 sq. km. (7,050 sq. mi.) - is the second most important wildlife area in Northern Sudan. Within the park, there are a few hills lying between its two main, permanent rivers: the Adda and the Umbelasha. These two rivers constitute a watershed separating the Nile and Congo river systems. Radom is mainly covered with shrub-land and woodland; and a few forests. Several rivers, streams and swamps crisscross the park. On the Sudanese side, due to wars and instability in the area, the park is poorly managed and poaching is rampant.