Mauritius Ranks Twenty-fourth in World's Democracy Index
Mauritius ranks 24th According to the Economist : The results of the Economist Intelligence Unit’s (EIU) Democracy Index 2011 show that democracy has been under intense pressure in many parts of the world . The Economist Intelligence Unit of Democracy But, incredibly, Mauritius , the tiny island nation off the coast of Southern Africa, out of 165 countries - ranks twenty-fourth: This little country (population: 1.2 million) is the wealthiest, best-governed country in Africa. The World Bank put it first in its ranking of African economies (and 20th worldwide). The Mo Ibrahim Foundation ranked it first in its Ibrahim Index, which measures African countries based on rule of law, human rights, human development and economic opportunity. More instructive still is the ranking of Mauritius in the Index of Economic Freedom published by the Washington-based Heritage Foundation and The Wall Street Journal. In 2010, this index put Mauritius in 12th place (out of 179 countries); in 2012...