Of Civilization
Now, whenever people think of or mention civilization , the 'developed' world is what comes to mind; and yet just a few hundred years ago - people in most of these so called developed world, were living like semi-savages on the outskirts of the civilized world and they would have been pronounced obviously inferior; inferior to people of: Egypt, Ethiopia and Babylonia. Most history books on ancient history I read, imply that only one race has been responsible for civilization, culture, progress and all other good things. The one race is of course the white race, and particularly that branch of said race known as Nordic or Aryan. Note: the writers of most of these books are Aryan or Nordic. I still recall when growing up in East Africa, during my primary school education in particular - how this was stressed. Then, everything good and developed seem to have come outside of Africa; even the Egyptians, of whom very little was mentioned, were portrayed as people who were not African...