The Other Side Of Africa
I am always very surprised and pained at how, up to now, both Senegal and Tanzania are rarely mentioned at how well they have done. And: they have done exceptionally well. And, yet the major world news media very rarely mention this. Both countries had the luck of having Great leaders with foresight and vision right from independence from colonial powers: Julius Nyerere of Tanzania and Leopold Senghor of Senegal. All the positive results in these two countries now, are due, mainly to them. From the start, they were incorruptible leaders who ruled without letting nepotism and cronyism sway their judgment. Both had impeccable integrity and were very well informed about history, the arts and the world at large. Both laid solid foundations for having proper civil societies in their countries; and both willingly gave up power. They willingly gave up power before the collapse of the Soviet Union; which was considered impossible in Africa, then. Senghor, a Christian, gave up power in 1981 and...