Uganda goes for Jatropha

Biofuels are produced from plants and plant-derived materials. They reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse-gas emissions when used to power engines, cars and other road vehicles. Can biofuels be the answer to a greener and more sustainable future for our Planet?

With huge oil reserves lying under it, Uganda is still going after greener energy resources. It has embarked on a project to test the viability of biodiesel from jatropha, a drought resistant crop:
The government energy policy advocates increased research and use of modern renewable energy sources which it expects to increase from the current four per cent to 61 per cent of the total energy consumption by 2017. The East African
A mature jatropha tree can produce three kilos of seeds annually and continues to yield for up to 40 years. An acre of land can take up to 1,000 trees of jatropha. AllAfrica
Unlike: wheat, corn, oil palm, sugar cane, sugar beet and soy - which would only bring more misery than good if used to extract biofuels from - jatropha is safe and sustainable. With oil production at its peak and no new large fields being discovered; and with demand rapidly increasing for fuel - other ways and means, will have to be used to serve the World's energy hunger. One of which will certainly be the increasing use of biofuels. Biofuels which are much cleaner than fossil fuels. Jatropha is certainly one of the best choices. Especially for Uganda.

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