New Giant Shrew Discovered In Tanzania

It seems there is still much left to be discovered about life on Earth. This, just in:

An elephant among elephant shrews has been found in remote forests in East Africa, scientists announced today.

The previously unknown, squirrel-size species is the world's largest known elephant shrew and the only new species from the group to be discovered in more than a century, wildlife researchers say.

Weighing about 1.5 pounds (700 grams), the gray-faced sengi (Rhynchocyon udzungwensis) is up to 50 percent heavier than the next largest species of elephant shrew, according to the study team that named the long-snouted creature.

The animal was first identified in 2005 by motion-sensing cameras set up in the Udzungwa Mountains of south-central Tanzania by Francesco Rovero of the Trento Museum of Natural Sciences in Italy. National Geographic

Note: in 2005, researchers from the Wildlife Conservation Society, working in conjunction with other partners, discovered, in Tanzania too, Africa's first new species of monkey in over 20 years. This new discovery of the Elephant shrew, proves, even more, that there are still many more discoveries to be made in Africa.

Photo: Cnet

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