The Yew Tree

The Yew tree. The tree with magical medicinal wonders. From time immemorial, the tree has played very important roles in people's lives: it was so widely used in Europe for making weapons that they have almost been wiped out there. Presently the yew tree has become very significant due to the anticancer agent - Taxol - which can be isolated mostly from the bark of the yew tree. The common yew trees can be found in North and North-West Africa
For more on the Yew Tree go to these sites: The BBC, shee-erie, likinghub, Medicinal Uses Of Yews, The-Tree, Ancient Yew, Arbutusarts, Wikipedia, Answers, White Dragon, Japanese Yew, duidry, Scholar
Pacific Yew
For more on the Pacific Yew Tree: TopTenHealthProducts,, klemow, botgard, Wellness, herbs2000, FindArticles, Prostate Cancer Treatment, na.fs.fed, The Healing Power of Plants, Nature's Pharmacy, Your Health Base,USDA, Near Atrica

More on The Yew Tree (Taxux Baccata) on Google Search

The Yew Tree in the News

For trees similar to the Yew go here  

Image: CKC Birds

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